Sunday 18 March 2012

'How the other half live'
Channel 4

how the other half live
'How the other half live' is a documentary showing  those living in poverty in Britain and those wealthier families in Britain. The aim of the documentary is to wake Britain up to the poverty right on our doorstep and the extreme differences between the life styles of families in the UK. It unites both the families and gives them a chance to explore the lifestyle of people on the extreme opposite end of the wealth scale.

The audience are positioned to feel sympathy for the family living in poverty. The documentary mainly focuses on this family, using visuals to emphasise their poor living conditions. For example, in one episode it shows their front door with over a dozen locks on for protection, teenage gangs hanging around outside the council flat and a scene of the police and an ambulance turning up outside to assist an injured drunk man, all of which is seen from the children's bedroom window.
It then contrasts the two different lifestyles by showing similar shots but in the wealthier families house. In this episode it shows the view from the wealthier child's bedroom of a huge garden. 
Each child also gives a tour of their house to show the extent to how different they're living conditions are.

Sound is also used to contrast the two family homes. When it shows shots of the families home living in poverty there is an emphasis on loud hustle and bustle outside and sirens whereas when it shows shots of the wealthy families home it enhances the sound of the birds and the silence and peacefulness outside.

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